How Can Physiotherapy Help Work Related Injuries?

At Susan Quin Physiotherapy, I can advise you on ergonomics, equipment, furniture and exercises that will help you to work and not hurt yourself.


What is Ergonomics?

Ergonomics looks at how people work, the jobs they do and how they do them. Ergonomics helps you to work safely and comfortably.

How Can Physiotherapy help Workplace Injuries?

  • Exercise
  • Manual Therapy
  • Ice or heat
  • Advice on back supports, splints and taping
  • An explanation about how your injury occurred
  • Advice on prevention
  • Advice on office furniture like monitors, desks, chairs etc can help prevent injury
  • Ergonomic workplace assessment as more people now use Display Screen Equipment (Monitors) at work
  • Education on work related injuries including posture, lifting, etc

Top Tips to Stay Healthy at Work

  • The best tip is to move more and sit less!
  • So get up from sitting and move regularly
  • Take a walk at lunchtime
  • Stand or Walk at meetings
  • Use the stairs instead of the lift 
  • Walk run or cycle to work

Working from Home?

Many people are now working from home. It is very important that you are comfortable and that you know the basic ergonomic guidelines to set up your  home workstation.

Tips to be Comfortable Working on a Screen at a Desk all Day

  • Move often during your working day. This is the most important thing of all!
  • Adjust your seat height so that your elbows are at 90 degrees when you are typing
  • Your chair should be easy to move and fit you well
  • Use a footrest if your feet do not reach the floor
  • Sit close to your desk and keep your back in contact with the back of the chair
  • Armrests should not restrict you getting close to your desk
  • The desk should be deep enough for your monitors and keyboard and other items
  • Use a full size monitor and keyboard and not a laptop or iPad
  • Put the monitor, arms distance from you, directly in front of you so you can see it easily
  • Your eyes should be level with the top part of the screen
  • Place your keyboard and mouse in front of you
  • Your wrists and elbows should be in line
  • Under your desk needs to be clear for your legs
  • Plenty of light is necessary
  • Look away from the screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes and focus on something in the distance and blink



Opening Hours

Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-5pm
Wednesday: 9am-5pm
Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

Contact Me

Susan Quin Physiotherapy provides Home Visits for Personalised Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment in the Raheny, Clontarf, Killester, Artane, Fairview, Donaghmede, Clongriffin, Malahide, Portmarnock, Baldoyle, Sutton and Howth areas.

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